
Racecourse Awarded Gold Standard Status Again by ROA

Published on 19 February 2024

Bangor-on-Dee Racecourse is delighted to have been awarded Gold Standard status again by the Racehorse Owners Association, as part of the ROA Accreditation Scheme for 2023.  

The ROA Racecourse Accreditation Scheme was launched in 2019 as an independent review of owners’ raceday experiences, using a defined set of criteria and assessed by AA Hospitality Services, which also provided constructive feedback.

The scheme has continued to evolve as part of the process and in 2022 an owners’ feedback section was introduced, allowing owners to share their thoughts on their raceday experience.

Racecourses achieving an AA mark of 80 or above and an owners’ feedback score of 4 or above are awarded the Gold Standard to signify exemplary performance.

A total of 31 racecourses achieved the ROA Gold Standard in 2023, with Bangor-on-Dee scoring particularly favourably in the owner feedback category with a score of 4.8.

Thank-you to all racehorse owners for their continued support. We look forward to welcoming you back throughout the year.

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